How does Residential Plumbing Work? – Andre Blog

, a whole host of issues may arise. This video will explain how plumbing in homes works.

In a residential plumbing system there are four primary components. These are the waste drains and waste vents as in addition to portable water and rainwater. The waste drains are fairly simple. The pipes are attached to every appliance and fixture which produces trash. The pipes remove the solid waste by gravity downwards and out of the house into either a municipal drain, or the septic tank. Septic tanks are designed to separate the liquids from water and then send them in a drainage field, where the natural cycle will reuse the waste.

An additional important aspect of plumbing is the waste vent. They assist in venting pipes to alleviate pressure caused by methane buildup. They also prevent septic smells leaking into your home.

There are some houses that have wells which form part of their plumbing system. The well collects water out of the ground, and then pours the home with pipes. It is then used for the operation of the entire system or is used to filter it and use for bathing. In the end, rainwater is a one of the components of plumbing. The rainwater that falls on your roof via gutters and then carefully drained into a specific location.
