Information on How to Build a Floating Dock – Home Improvement Tips

The tools and supplies needed to finish each task. The tools needed are a measuring tape and an air compressor nails, a carpenter square, a drill or a hammer No. 2-pencil, as well as additional tools. In the video, you will see the use of treated lumber, corner brackets and carriage bolts, as well as framing angles, nuts and stainless-steel decking screw.

The video first shows how to frame the dock. It is easy to see how to place the boards together and make sure to measure the block. This makes it easy to duplicate when you build your dock.

What location to put the floating docks is illustrated, as well as the best way you can secure them. The finished product will show you your anchoring bolts. This video also discusses various types of dock panels and explains the benefits of using the panels. akpmac9pjn.